Thursday 25 February 2010

3 is the magic number

3 simple things that made me smile today...
  1. Buying daffodils and getting excited about spring...bring it on.
  2. Listening to my 3 year old daughters hour long imaginary phone calls to her nursery pals on our dvd remote! (So funny, I could listen to her all day)
  3. My sons very excited reaction to the arrival of my new faux fur gilet, and his request to wear it to school next week for the world book day fancy dress, he wants to go as the gruffalo! (what an excellent idea...I think!)

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Bring me sunshine...

That's it, I am done with winter, bring on the sunny shine now please. As much as I'm a lover of layering and am looking forward to the arrival of my latest ebay purchase (a faux fur gilet, I've been after one for ages) I am in desperate need of warmer weather, wearing lighter and brighter clothes, packing away my winter coats and boots and digging out my gladiator sandals. The shops are full of summer clothes and gorgeous sandals that I am dying to buy, but I can't even bring myself to wear ballet flats with tights at the min, its just too cold and only boots will do the job. Last night we had a power cut so with no TV and a low running battery on the laptop I sat and flicked through my new copy of the La redoute catalogue and here are a some of the lovely things I've got my eye on....

Monday 22 February 2010

Hey pretty lady Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my gorgeous friend V. I hope you have a lovely birthday hun. xoxo
And also birthday wishes to another lovely lady...Miss Drew Barrymore. I'm loving her hair in this pic and may have to show it my hairdresser next week, the colour and cut is fab!

Sunday 21 February 2010

ebay listings

Here's a few of the items I have listed on ebay. I got really excited when I found the boots especially with all the snow we are having but alas they are too tight, so off they go onto ebay for someone else to love and walk in the snow in.

Bath time then bed...

What a long day its been, and a very productive one at that. Not only have I attempted to  tackle the ins and outs of blogging and written my first post, I've done 3 loads of washing, cooked a roast chicken dinner and completed and uploaded new listings to my ebay. Now all that's left is to bath the kids and get them in bed. Its back to school tomorrow, I wonder if we will wake up to snow like we did this morning...

For the first time in a long time I'm up to date with things and not running around chasing my own tail. I'm also enjoying a stress free and peaceful Sunday. The house is tidy, the kids are playing quietly, the dogs are sleeping, the cupboards and fridge are fully stocked, the washing basket is almost empty and my blokey is sitting engrossed in a book. Maybe, this is the calm before the storm as today is the last day of the school half term hols and its back into school run routine tomorrow. But either way today is the day I have finally started something I have wanted to do in a long time...something I love, something I admire...and reading it back to myself right now makes me smile.